Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Indie author Verity Marshall made a left of field decision to deviate from her area of expertise to produce Hard Money – The naked truth behind the red light. Sensing that her ordinary perspective would make an interesting dichotomy of life experiences for such a project, she sought the facts from the whore’s (oops), horse’s mouth.

Before commencing Hard Money, Verity wrote short stories and poetry for magazine consumption. Raising her four children and supporting her husband in his endeavours, consumed the majority of her time. The necessary journey to the dark-side (as with all epic journeys) changed the author’s perspective on the subject. Surprisingly, she has developed a renewed faith in her fellow human beings. Finding many sex-workers and their clients to be good-hearted and honest people was a refreshing revelation.

Monday, September 10, 2012

What is it with graphic artists?

What is it with graphic artists? Are they simply inherently unreliable? I'm starting to believe so. I know it's not me - easy to get along with, and non-demanding - so it must be them! The brief for the job is simple and so is the design. 

The original artist commissioned to create the cover for HARD MONEY - The naked truth behind the red light, seems to have disappeared - not answering emails. The next artist completely ignored the brief (and all emails for one month after payment) and created an inferior product. Artists four and five have not gotten back to me after the initial phone calls. Of the eight artists contacted, only five have returned my query emails. Argh!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Patience is a virtue.

If patience is in fact a virtue, then I am a most virtuous human indeed. It is now into the 5th week of waiting for all of the external cogs to slip into place, and allow the 'HARD MONEY - NAKED TRUTH' train to move ahead.

The up side to this challenge, is that the situation prepares me for future blog entries about the often frustrating process of self publication - oh no, not another one! No, don't you worry dear reader, I won't do that...too boring! After publication is complete, a series of interviews is planned, to ascertain sex workers reactions to the book.